Tuesday, July 22, 2008




現在市面上所謂的法國式洗顏法的產品在日本有很多,除了洗顏之外,有些商品也添加了卸妝的功能。ロゼット クレンジングミルク內含的橄欖油和スクワランオイル都是由天然植物萃取而來,具有天然的保溼效果,也能有效去除髒污。而薰衣草精油的芳香成分能紓緩肌膚,使肌膚達到放鬆。至於珍貴的蜂王漿萃取物可以達到縮小毛孔的效果,而高麗人參萃取物更能幫助肌膚保持滋潤維持肌膚的張力。眾多珍貴成分的ロゼット クレンジングミルク,來看看他的去污效果吧!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


hmm.....sometimes we should have protect ourself perhaps with a shield or just keep a particular distance with any friends you know.....

Can you imagine when someone who forgot your birthday and said "we're just friend, you expect too much~~~"!


It's so so so hurt~~~but least I've get the lesson....people tend to change when you get to know them for a time, or maybe they are just pretending themselve while knowing!!!

It's ok~~~i got to find something else to cheer up my day!!!~~~

A za A za Fighting!!~~~

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


女人和高跟鞋,「2吋、3吋、4吋,高,還要更高,高跟鞋永遠不嫌高,因為那是女人最接接近天堂的機會! 」

人類穿鞋的紀錄久遠,但是如何在舒適之餘,穿出性感的學問卻沒完沒了。崛起於五O年代純手工、且鞋楦製作超過半個世紀經驗的義大利Sergio Rossi,1999年加盟Gucci家族,打著「奢華」的頂級招牌走自己的路。泰瑪拉.梅隆 (Tamara Mellon)1996年和在倫敦東區訂製女鞋聞名的周仰傑 (Jimmy Choo)一拍即合推出Jimmy Choo女鞋,從此,女人又多了一個展現性感的把戲,穿鞋吧!

慾望城市 (Sex and The City)女主角莎拉潔西卡派克愛鞋成痴,她對Manolo Blahnik女鞋的愛超過情人。日本流行天后濱崎步狂買紅色鞋底的Christian Louboutin高跟鞋更不是新聞。碧昂絲甚至把她對高跟鞋的情感寫進流行歌詞裡。Sergio Rossi、Jimmy Choo和ManoloBlahnik都是挑逗視覺聞名並列全球三大性感高跟鞋,擄獲所有女人的芳心。

最早和Gianni Versace合作,迅速在米蘭時尚界打開知名度的Sergio Rossi;80年代為Dolce&Gabbana和Azzedine Alaia等一線品牌生產鞋履而成名。特殊的造型和精緻的手工技藝之外,豔名遠播的性感高跟鞋之所以成為名媛夢幻逸品,最重要的是要懂得跟上好萊塢女星的踩紅毯的腳步,成為「星光大道」的代名詞。荷莉、貝瑞、希拉蕊、史旺、莎莉賽隆等奧斯卡影后,流行歌手碧昂絲、凱莉米勒和瑪丹娜也都是名牌高跟鞋追星的最佳代言。

去年被國際知名證券公司-陶爾布魯克資本 (TowerBrook CapitalPartners)收購而躍上頭條的Jimmy Choo,市場價值超過一億八千五百萬英鎊。Jimmy Choo初期以製作高雅的繫帶晚宴女鞋為經典,高跟鞋、靴子、以及超過100公分的精緻手工女鞋都是超人氣的招牌款。但最值得一試的是Jimmy Chooj所謂「The Vintage Collection」系列,每款鞋墊特別印製金色星形標記。

不受任何年代和創意的設限的「經典」高跟鞋,最常綴以施華洛世奇(Swarovski)水晶展現晚宴效果、因為電視劇慾望城市 (Sex andthe City)而聲名大噪的紫色絨布面羽毛繫帶女鞋、或是獨特稀有的豹紋和性感穿透的蕾絲裝飾總是和性感自主的女人聯想在一起。很多人不了解高跟鞋的性感配方是什麼? 「試想養尊處優的腳Y子,露出塗上蔻丹的纖纖玉足多性感,」設計師的答案是,就像穿著一樣,露愈多,愈性感。但最教人好奇的是,踩進一雙叫價120萬元野生鱷魚皮的高跟鞋的滋味如何?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I'll remember you forever......the every single moments we have gone through so far!!!!
The scar of this words will ever stay at Fremantle Beach.....the beach belongs to you and me!!!
If you could choose to go anywhere,
just close your eyes and imagine.
The world belongs to just you and i if
I could be there with you.
If any road was one we could take
and any place could be ours.
You make the choice to leave me today
never ever I could be there with you.
If I am where you are
nowhere is too far
so hope you will take me with you
because all i need is you...

Friday, July 4, 2008

When you're gone~~~

hehe^^ never know that the time goes by so fast, it's been almost 1 month I never update my blog....But, nevermind la, nobody really visits too.....

It's been so busy for me nowadays, keep study, study and study! haizzz.... really hope that I can be a princess, no need to study anymore!!!! haha...

Haizz...dunno why....i'm really moody today!!! I start to think am I fall on him already??? I really have no idea.....I just feel so sad when his attitude and response to me turn from a volcano into iceberg, right after knowing I have someone!!! My life suddenly like lack of something, just feel like someone very important in life has gone~~~Now, the song that really can express my feeling will be this song:-

"When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
and make it okay
I miss you"

I think he won't chat with me anymore...he told me that he had give up!!! From the response he gave to me, I know that ending is rushing to me..... Anyway, I'll wish him all the best as he always dreamt of being a businessman~~~He definitely can!!!

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
"Missed you but I try not to cry"
As time goes by
And soon as you reach a better place
Still I'll give the world to see your face
And I'm bragging right next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say
Bye Bye~~
